Friday, March 18, 2016

Message from March 6: "Turnover Our Thought"

Generally, spring is from March to May. From this week, our high temperature will be around 70’s. Spring is the most beautiful time of the year. The trees that seemed dead over the winter seem to come out from the branches. Grass turns from brown to green, making the whole garden come alive. However, even though spring is the time when everything looks good and perfect, it’s also the season for ancient time that is hard to survive because people have no food to eat. They have to get through this period called ‘the farm hardship period.’ It is important for people to eat. Some people think that happiness depends on what they eat. However, we Christians need to eat not only for our physical body, but also our spiritual needs. In this Lent season, please fill your spiritual hunger by the word of God. If you follow the Lenten Calendar, you are finished the book of Romans. We have already read over half of the New Testament.

The toughest time that the Israelites lived through was during the exodus, because they didn’t have food to eat. About 2 and a half months after they left Egypt, they began to have bitter feelings about God. From Exodus 16:3, the Israelites said to Moses and Aaron, “If only we had died by the hand of the LORD in the land of Egypt, when we set by the fleshpots and ate our fill of bread; for you have brought us out into this wilderness to kill this whole assembly with hunger.” The Israelites could not thank God for freeing them from the Egyptians because they were starving. So, God pitied them and gave them bread called manna. God gave them this food as though it was raining in the desert. In the morning, thin flakes like frost appeared on the desert floor. The Israelites said to each other, “What is it?” The meaning of manna is actually what is it.

Today’s scripture says that since they had the produce of the land, the manna stopped. The morning after the manna stopped, the Israelites probably still went out with a basket looking for manna. However, nothing was there. How disappointed would they have been coming back to their tent with an empty basket? How confused could they have been when the food from the glory of God suddenly stopped? They probably had a lot of thoughts in their mind such as what are we going to eat to survive, and has God abandoned us? As we live through this world, there are times when manna stops raining. There are times when nothing rains when we look up. There comes a time when nothing happens, as though God has turned away. Then people get confused and disappointed. However, we should turnover our think in this time as Christians.

First, we should know that God’s grace still continues. God’s grace had only changed its way. That grace only changed from manna to the produce of the land. Manna wasn’t the only grace that God had given to them. The produce of Canaan was more grace from God. However, the problem was that some people thought that manna was the glory from God and didn’t consider the produce of Canaan as the glory of God. People thought that it was a miracle that manna rained from the sky, but they didn’t consider the produce of Canaan special.
We should value the produce of Canaan more than manna. Food from the earth is more blessed than a miracle food coming from the sky. The Bible says that Canaan was a land of milk and honey. Milk and honey do not come from the sky, but from the earth. Which do you think is the true blessing from God? Is it eating manna that came from heaven in the desert, or farming in Canaan and eating the produce of the land? Manna was just an emergency food provided from God during their journey. We should be more thankful for the food from Canaan than manna.

Second, we need to know that our daily grace is more precious. God gives us manna sometimes during our lives. He helps us when we really can’t handle things with our own strengths. The moment of a miracle is not the only moment of grace. Remember that our everyday lives are grace from God. We should thank God for the miracle, but we should also be thankful for our daily lives, so that we don’t have to wish for a miracle. Be thankful for every day that we can work hard. Don’t get frustrated by the same pattern of the days, but live happily. Love your life. Be thankful that you have a job, and are able to work. It may not be as dramatic as raining manna, but be thankful for our labor as we experience God’s love and his grace for us every day.

Miraculously coming out of big trouble is our mighty God’s love. However, living a peaceful life without any big trouble is the greater power of God. Are you possibly looking for a miracle that comes from heaven as you live your life? Our faith is the turning point of our thoughts. How often do you thank God for what you have every day? Don’t lose your thankfulness to God. Thank God for giving us lives, parents and children, profits, a beautiful environment, and a job for us to work. 

~Pastor Jay

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